The ART KIDS SUMMER CAMP was so much fun!!! It was a beautiful summer and there were wonderful art kids creating all kinds of great drawing and sculptural projects at the Art Kids Studio. My Bostons Bleu and Nekko were thrilled with all the attention! August's great weather made it easy to clean, reorganize and prepare the Studio for the upcoming After School Sessions. It was so nice outside, it is hard to believe we are back in school and have had our first termination dust!
Today is the last day of the Labor Day Holiday and the kids will be back in school tomorrow.
My University students are turning in assignments and I can finally focus on the Art Kids Studio Sept 2015 - Aug 2016 Class Schedule. The new schedule is located on the Camps/AfterSchool page and I posted a skeleton schedule here. The new schedule also includes the Spring and Summer Art Camp dates for 2016.
After School Class Sessions begin the week of September 26, 2015. Class Size is limited so register soon!!
afterschool artkids
09/26 – 05/19 - 2015-2016
springartkids camp
03/14 – 03/18 - 2016
summerartkids camp
06/6 – 08/5 - 2016
Sculpture Projects on Tuesdays
Drawing Projects on Wednesdays
Find More Information, Class Schedules & Register for Classes at or call 907.646.7938
Here are more pictures from camp and I will post more soon.
THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT of the Parents and Kids who made the first ART KIDS SUMMER CAMP a great success!!!!
It really was a magical summer in my studio.
Jannah Sexton Atkins
from the 2015 Summer Camp and other classes: